The nursery provides a stimulating environment where children are supported well in their learning. They are, therefore, making good progress taking account of their starting points and abilities.
All staff have a good understanding of the areas of learning. They enable children to develop a secure foundation for their future learning by promoting their physical, personal, social and emotional development and their communication and language skills very effectively
Children's health and well-being is of the highest priority and staff promote their understanding of good hygiene through careful explanation and good supervision.
Menus are displayed and show a well-balanced diet, providing children with a good range of meals. The menu takes account of children's allergies and any special dietary needs. Babies and children are encouraged to feed themselves and appropriate cutlery is provided to suit their development.
The premises are secure and risk assessments are reviewed regularly to identify any hazards. Daily safety checks are completed before children go outside. The pre-school children use their own safety check form before everyone goes out, ticking the boxes for items they have looked at.
Parents spoken to during the inspection are very confident their children are secure and safe.
Another great report from the inspectors, showing just what great care we provide.
- Gillian
What a great nursery you are... wonderful people, well deserved of the "Outstanding" reports. C has made great friends in a very safe, fun and educational environment.
C and M C
We would like to thank all the staff who have worked with A and have helped to give her a positive first impression of a learning environment... She has particularly enjoyed helping out on the door and receiving stickers!!
Mr and Mrs Mc
Thank you to everyone at Pippins. B had a great time at the leavers party. Appreciate all the love, care, and support whilst B has been at the nursery. It is definitely an outstanding place and the staff have always been extremely helpful in many ways xx
Nikki Panesar